NURS FPX 8045 Assessment 5 Nursing Project Proposal & Communication Assessment

Workplace culture and teamwork lead to enhanced nurses’ job satisfaction, which is linked to increased job engagement and care quality. The authors utilized a conceptual model founded on the theory and existing literature. The model included four structures: work involvement, job fulfillment, standard of care, and intention to leave. Using the Johns Hopkins practice, this research fits into category three because it used a quantitative descriptive correlational design. The study inspires further discourse by highlighting limitations like bias in self-selection and additional research suggestions. The evidence table based on the critical appraisal of five articles is mentioned in the appendix.

Literature Synthesis Using MEAL Plan

The study selected for appraisal offers helpful knowledge of nursing staff issues, including strategies to address the reported nursing shortage practice gap at LMH. The selected articles explore factors contributing to the nurse shortages, including poor policy, lack of funding planning, absence of training, inadequate nurse-to-patient ratio policy, heavy workload, and poor workplace setting (Lasater et al., 2021; Peutere et al., 2024; Tamata & Mohammadnezhad, 2023). Each article provides valuable information on aspects of approaches to address the nurse shortage, ranging from the impact of nurse development training to strategies improving nurses’ job satisfaction and reducing intention to leave, in improving care quality and addressing the nurse shortage issue.

Retention strategies include supportive organizational culture, collaboration, and offering skill development training (Suprapto et al., 2023; Wei et al., 2023). The adequate nurse-to-patient ratio legislation causes less nurse burnout, enhanced job satisfaction, and nurse retention. Consequences of a poor ratio, including compromised patient safety and insufficient care services, are outlined in articles (Lasater et al., 2021). The studies utilize several approaches, such as meta-analyses and systematic reviews, quantitative analyses, and observational studies, to address the problem question; the inquiries are based on theoretical frameworks relevant to nursing shortage challenges, such as Convergent Care Theory, which guide the authors’ investigation of the reported practice gap. Each study has thorough data collection and analysis, offering findings that result in a comprehension of the practice gap in hospitals.

Writing Feedback

The writing syntax was cleared and refined to make the content more explicit and understandable based on input from the previous assessment. Feedback was critical in making potentially tricky concepts more accessible to comprehend by minimizing the usage of jargon. The feedback helped refine the material in each paragraph, making it easier to establish a consistent framework and clear linkages across the review. The comments assisted with content organization, ensuring that information was given logically and there was cohesion.

The logical sequence of assessment and cohesiveness were improved by employing a MEAL plan for each paragraph. The writing quality indicators were achieved, and writing skills were enhanced by employing comments to correct grammar and apply appropriate sentence structures. The feedback also emphasized the importance of searching trustworthy databases like CINAHL, Google Scholar, and PubMed for relevant articles, reinforcing the evidence basis of the assessment. Utilizing the Capella Library’s online resources improved research and advanced our writing level. Standards for quality were strictly followed after incorporating the writing feedback, indicating enhanced writing skills.


In conclusion, the critical appraisal of current research resources has offered an in-depth understanding of the practice gap due to the nursing shortage at LMH. The critical review of articles reveals that closing this gap requires a diverse approach that includes aspects such as nurse training, retention strategies, and developing a positive workplace. Employing targeted actions based on the knowledge gathered from this assessment can bring significant enhancements to patient safety by overcoming the nursing shortage at LMH.


Lasater, K. B., Aiken, L. H., Sloane, D., French, R., Martin, B., Alexander, M., & McHugh, M. D. (2021). Patient outcomes and cost savings associated with hospital safe nurse staffing legislation: An observational study. British Medical Journal Open11(12), e052899.